The Most Common Paint Damages in Los Angeles
Your home protects you from the elements but what happens when that damage builds up? Rain, sun, wind too - peel away a home’s only protective layer, its exterior paint. When left to worsen this problem evolves from superficial to structural damage. Fix it early.Blistered Paint is An Open Sore
Sometimes you’ll see paint inflate to the point where it looks ready to pop. When it does, it’ll be more than just an eyesore. Paint bubbles when applied under direct sunlight. Through the long run unchecked blisters lead to deep exterior paint damage that leaves the wood beneath exposed to further damage.
Peeling Paint Rips Back A Protective Curtain
Bleaching Weakens the Structure of a Paint Job
Mold and Mildew Grow Under Procrastination
Alligatoring Paint is Either Malignant or Signs of Worse
- Some paints don’t ‘match,’ on a chemical layer. If the top and bottom layer are in conflict, they’ll crack.
- The second coat was applied before the bottom layer was dry. This leads to a mis-matched drying process that cracks in between.
- Lead. If paint is alligatoring the first thing you need to do before removal is test it for lead. I can’t emphasize this enough. A DIY project is not worth a trip to the hospital that leads to permanent bodily harm. If paint is alligatoring, get it tested, and if it comes out positive, call an LA exterior painter to handle the issue safely.
Wrinkling Paint is a Job Ill Prepared
This is truly a tragedy that can be avoided, the usual product of a DIY mess up. Wrinkling happens when paint is laid thick. Ever seen magma cool to black on the surface? That’s paint wrinkling in a nutshell. The top layer gets dry then constricts over a gooey underbelly, which leads to pruned exterior paint damage best removed from your home. Avoid this look by hiring a professional exterior painter in Los Angeles for the big job.
These Problems Seem Dire
Paint damage only becomes an issue if you let it develop. Novel Remodeling looks to solve issues before they become problems. Click here to get that project over with the right way.
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