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The Many Looks of LA Concrete Walkways : A Few Ideas

Concrete Walkway Varieties

For many homeowners, the feeling of “I’m home,” really only hits once the door is closed and the shoes are off. So often we think of home as only something that exists on the inside, its own little place, and we forget to make the experience of coming home, something special.

A concrete walkway sets the tone for any house. When done well, it makes a place feel even more like home.

Straight Poured Concrete

A smooth concrete pour sets an understated, yet satisfying path to the home. With concrete walkways many times the most direct answer is the best. With a straight path right to the door, a simple concrete walkway is a perfect match between functionality and appeal. It does what it does, without taking anything away.

Curved Concrete Pathway

A more of a scenic route. Instead of an A to B, curved pathways allow the homeowner to engage in a journey with their landscape. Highlight the yard, garden, trees, points of interest, all by creating a path that goes just that little bit closer. It’s less formal than a straight path, while also setting a threshold between the home and the outside world. This concrete walkway idea has become popular in Los Angeles, where homes aren’t always just sat on flat land.

Stamped Concrete Walkway

A huge trend concrete walkway trend has been developing in Los Angeles. On its own, concrete has clean, uniform finish. Some homeowners like adding a little something to it. Concrete is a malleable aesthetic tool that can be transformed into nearly anything, even into looking like natural wood. Adding an imprint, a texture, gives another dimension to its appeal.

Stained Concrete Walkway

Just as big as the stained concrete (maybe even a bit more) is stained concrete. Homeowners have adopted stained concrete as their most often utilized, most cost-effective method of  beautifying their walkway. There’s so much that can be done with acid stain. A uniform look can be flushed right into a turquoise marble, tiger-eye red. Each design is unique, never replicated. What’s great about acid staining is that it can function well on the outside or even inside of the home.

Colored Concrete Walkway

Aside from just the surface, colored concrete deeply integrates with the material itself, giving it a uniform color. Go warm, go cold, for many homes pure grey isn’t the look, and colored concrete opens up those options.

Exposed Aggregate Walkway

There’s something special about embedding a texture with concrete. That’s exactly what exposed aggregate is. Small stones, crushed or rounded are set at the surface of a newly set concrete walkway, and then smoothed right in. Afterwards, the top thin layer is removed, revealing those stones to the surface once again. This is one of the most popular concrete walkway ideas because it gives each path a defined look, a little character.

Concrete Walkway Costs in Los Angeles

When deciding on the right method to install a concrete pathway, it’s important to know the costs.

  • Stained Concrete Walkway : $2 - $4 sq.ft. (+ cost of concrete if slab isn’t installed)
  • Poured Concrete Walkway: $6 - $12 sq.ft.
  • Stamped Concrete Walkway: $8 - $14 sq.ft.
  • Colored Concrete Walkway: $8 - $12 sq.ft.
  • Exposed Aggregate: $9 - $11 sq.ft.

Concrete Walkway Installation Los Angeles

All the costs above have their deviation, with contractors either on the high or low end, fighting for that job. Trouble is, price is not an indication of a job well done. The life and quality of any given project is determined by the hands that install it, regardless of what they charged.

Novel Remodeling is a general contractor in Los Angeles with experienced concrete walkway installers on their side.

Contact us to see what it takes to install a new concrete walkway.


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